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Meet Catherine

I grew up in South Carolina and attended SC public schools since 2nd grade, . The child of two educators, I grew up with a strong sense for the value of education.  My sister-in-laws are also retired SC teachers.

My wonderful husband, Ed, and I met when we were in college.  A year after our marriage we moved to the St. Andrews area and have lived in District 5 ever since.   We have two grown daughters, both District 5 graduates. 

I have a BS degree in Financial Management and I am retired from executive positions in finance, operations and sales and marketing.  I have over 35 years management experience, including leading groups of 500+ employees, and I currently serve on the Board of Directors of an insurance company and also serve as the Chair of its audit committee.  I have been a Meals on Wheels volunteer for over 25 years.  While our children were in school I was active in PTSO and other school organizations and also served for several years as a mentoring coordinator for a Richland 1 elementary school.

Why am I running for re-election to our school board?  Because I have watched the current board regress from the gains we made in 2021 and 2022.  Our current board majority disbanded important committees to address policies, facilities and procurement.  We have yet to form an audit committee or hire an Internal Auditor even though we passed a bond referendum.  Student discipline and bullying issues have been ignored.  When we had the opportunity to increase teacher salaries to match neighboring districts it didn't happen - instead the current board majority elected to buy portables and fund non-teaching positions.  Learn more on my Issues page.

My leadership experiences and abilities, coupled with my education and financial expertise, will help me pull Together for District 5 with my fellow board members and district staff to build a board that listens and is accountable to all stakeholders in our district.

Please join me by volunteering, contributing - and by all means, VOTING on November 5th. You're welcome to contact me to get more information or share your thoughts ( and 803-665-3109),

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