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Focus on Recruiting and Retaining Teachers

It's no secret that schools throughout our country and state are having trouble recruiting and retaining teachers.  Teachers are retiring in droves, especially after Covid and as a result of poor pay, too many non-teaching responsibilities and lack of administrative support.  And fewer people are going into teaching.

We can't make more people go into to teaching.  But we can keep our teachers and be the district of choice for all teachers if we make it more desirable to teach in our district.

We can do this by:

  • Ensuring our district has the highest pay of every local district for EVERY teacher pay grade/step
  • Enforcing discipline policies and supporting teachers
  • Reducing unnecessary administrative time for teachers and spending funding more wisely on teacher supports

I fought to increase our teacher pay but lost that battle to the current board majority.  We need a new board majority that will put teachers first over unnecessary other expenses.

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