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Eliminate Waste - Focus $ on the Classroom

The district’s annual revenue is basically fixed.  As a result, our TOTAL spending is fixed as well.  Without a tax hike this doesn't change, and we can’t spend more than we receive.  The only way to get more resources into the classroom is to eliminate waste.

Currently 59% of the District Five operating budget is spent on Instructional Services – teacher salaries, benefits and related expenses.  Obviously, many other expenses are necessary including counselors, bus drivers, maintenance staff, etc.  With a total annual operating budget of approximately $240 million, if we can redirect just 1% more to the classroom that is $2.4 million per year -  over $140 per student.

What could we do in the classroom with $140 per student?:

  • Increase teacher salaries in order to continue to recruit and retain the best teachers
  • Reduce class sizes
  • Fund assistants to free teachers from non-teaching time
  • Reduce and/or eliminate many instructional fees paid by parents

Every single dollar spent on excessive administrative costs, consulting and unneeded land and construction decreases funds available for the classroom. 

I promise to work with fellow board members and district staff to update our policies to close holes that result in wasted funds spent outside of the classroom.  I am the ONLY Trustee with a financial management degree and executive management experience.   I have a BS degree in Financial Management, have been a Certified Management Accountant and currently serve as the Chair of the Audit Committee for a life insurance company. 

Together, we can eliminate wasted spending outside the classroom and redirect those funds where they matter – on students and teachers.



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