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Better School Building Planning

The board is in charge of school buildings and the passage of bonds to raise taxes to pay for schools.  Frankly, the current board majority have done a poor job with this, including:

  • Passing a bond referendum onto the public that does not increase capacity at Chapin High School, our school most facing overcrowding 
  • Failing to address our giant 6th grade school in Irmo (Cross Roads Intermediate) that is fed by 10 elementary schools
  • Passing a bond referendum onto the public without addressing how much the associated maintenance expenses will increase or how we will pay for them without a tax increase

What would I do differently?

  1. Turn Cross Roads into a true 6th through 8th middle school for the 25-26 school year.
  2. If the public does not pass the current bond referendum, create a revised bond referendum that addresses our needs (security needs across the district and our aging schools).
  3. Restart our facilities and policy committees to ensure we do our due diligence when purchasing property, approving construction contracts and construction change orders.
  4. Ensure our building maintenance budget is actually spent on our greatest maintenance needs.  No child or staff should EVER be exposed to sewer issues!


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