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Focus on Foundational Education and Getting Politics Out of Our Schools

Only 61.2% of our students meet or exceed SC Ready Reading and Writing standards.  That's not nearly good enough.

Reading is the fundamental skill of all other education.  Studies show that children who cannot read on grade level by the end of third grade are four times less likely to graduate.  

Further, some studies indicate that early reading struggles lead to discipline issues which then lead to problems learning to read, creating a vicious cycle. 

Our schools must get out of the business of indulging woke political movements and focus on our mission - to educate our children so they can become productive members of society by going to college, enrolling in the military and obtaining a well paying job.

We must also put special emphasis on reading at or above grade level - especially before third grade.  We must focus on early intervention, resources and parent involvement to ensure this happens.

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